If you’re into content reading on your blackberry and don’t like those pictures or animations that’s making your browsing slow, especially when you are searching cornerstone content which is the ultimate information content.
When browsing the theory is that you are downloading an html file to your gadget including pictures and running animations and programs that uses javascript language. The ‘bytes’ of these pictures are usually ‘a lot’ and the javascript is burdening your processing speed.
To significantly increase the speed of the BlackBerry Browser here are the options.
1. Turn Off Show Images:
> Go to Browser Options
> Browser Configuration screen,
> set Show Images = no,
> Then uncheck "Use Background Images".
Note: To download the images for any page by pressing "M" for more images, or "Q" for all images.
2. Turn Off JavaScript Support:
> From the Browser Configuration Screen
> Uncheck Support Javascript
> Click Menu
> Click Save Options
3. Go to pages that supports Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) This protocol was popular at those times when smartphones aren’t smart as now where GPRS was prominent before 3G or HDSPA. That time the graphics of the phones were also ‘old’.
To reach them go to google : http:// wap.google.com
Blackberry Tips and Tricks